Canadian Tuxedo : Yea or Nay -->

Canadian Tuxedo : Yea or Nay

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Hello friends!!!
A hotly debated issue within the fashion think-tank we call Revival is the reemergence of DENIM on DENIM! Throughout most of our childhoods, this look was better known as the Canadian Tuxedo (or the Parisian Tuxedo if you are from Indianapolis), a name said with a sneer and obvious disregard for Canadian fashion sense. is BAAAAACK. I, for one, must admit that I LOVE it, and a vintage light colored chambray (chambray = denim material) work shirt with my dark wash Cheap Mondays has become my go-to outfit.

A few tips:
1. Unless you are Kate Moss, it is best to stay away from denims that have matching tones.
2. Keep it simple. No novelty denims please. No denim dresses with denim jackets.
3. Stick some sort of color in there somewhere. Dark brown boots or a colorful necklace will look great with your plural denims.
4. Fashion is fun and there are no rules - so wear it however you would like...but it is always best to avoid looking like these two.

Check out our 'blues' resale tops and dresses sections for some cute chambray button-downs and dresses. And you can always find your newest, favorite pair of jeans at Revival to put together your own Canadian tuxedo.

While looking for denim images I came across this hot group! Look at all those cool Beverly Hills jeans!!! Andrea Zuckerman continues to be one of my style icons :)

xoxo- Shopgirl A
